As I was searching on Pinterest something to put on my living room wall, I fell onto this geometric himmeli wreath. “Himmeli” comes from the word “himmel” in Germanic which means “heaven”. It’s a traditional Finnish holiday decoration made out of straws or reeds. They used to hang them above the dining table to ensure a good harvest for the upcoming year. It’s a Scandinavian art and I love almost everything about Scandinavian style in interior design. Although it’s used on the holiday season, you could decorate it all year round.
Want to make a geometric himmeli wreath like this? Watch my tutorial video below:
So here it’s what you gonna need:
- 105 cocktail straws
- 30 gauge floral wire
- ruler
- scissors
- pen
- spray paint
Start by cutting your straws to 4.5 inches and your floral wire 2.5 arms long.
Thread 4 straws onto your wire and leave about 2 inches hanging from the last straw. Form a diamond shape and wrap the wire to hold in place.
Add two more pieces and take the end and wrap it once at the opposite end of the diamond.
Repeat the steps until you have 5 rows.
Feed your wire through one of the straws and bring it out at the point where the two straws meet.
Add another piece of straw and connect it to the elbow of the next straw. It’s like you have two triangular shapes.
Repeat the process until you connect four sides together. Well, you are done with this one! Six more to go!
Now that you have 7 of these shapes you have to take 2 and wire them together. All you have to do is to connect the open space of the one with the closed side of the other one by passing through the wire from the first one to the straw of the second one and wrap the wire to secure it.
Repeat this until all the shapes are connected and form a circle.
Cut 2 arm’s length of wire and secure it to the center of a pentagon. Thread a straw and connect it to the center of the other pentagon. Keep going until you connect all the pentagons together. Now you have a sturdy geometric himmeli wreath. Cut out all the excess wire and you are done! You can spray paint it like I did or leave it as it is. It’s up to you and your preferences.
And da da…
So that’s it! Do you like it? Would you do it also? Leave me a comment down below.