DIY Terracotta Pot | Room Decor | From Drab To Fab

DIY Terracotta Pot.

diy terracotta pot

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Terracotta pots are very inexpensive and you can find them almost everywhere.Their sizes vary, from little ones to big ones, plain or painted.Although the painted versions tend to be more expensive.

I have a ZZ plant and I was looking for a plant pot that fits my taste and my decor.So I thought “Why not do it myself?” I spent almost nothing because I had the supplies on hand from previous projects. With that being said, let’s get started!

Watch the video below:

Here is what you need.

supplies pot

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  • 23 cm diameter terracotta pot (not showing here)
  • black acrylic paint
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • cutter
  • pen
  • painters tape
  • makeup sponge or foam brush
  • a piece of craft paper
  • spray primer
  • white spray paint
  • copper spray paint


Step 1: Prime your pot with the primer


Step2: When it dries, come back and paint it with the white spray paint.Give it two coats, but remember to let it dry before you apply the second coat.


Step 3: Now, let’s make our stencil for the triangular pattern.Draw three straight lines 3 cm each and leave 1 cm between those lines.


Step 4: Find the center of those lines and mark it.Then draw a straight line from this point up to 2,4 cm.


Step 5: Draw your triangles.


Step 6: Leave half cm above these triangles to draw the other two.For this, you will need to make each one between the ones below them, again, by leaving 1 cm distance between them.


Step 7: Now you’re left with the last one which it should be in the center of the ones below it.Don’t forget to leave half cm above the below ones.


Step 8: Try to cut all the sides of the shapes using your cutter or an x-acto knife.I recommend using the ruler for that matter, to help you out.That way you”ll have straight lines and the shapes will be clearer.


Step 9: When you’re done with all the cutting, using the help of your fingertips, push the paper and you will end up with your stencil.




Step 10: Now, leave about 1,3 cm from the bottom triangles, draw a line and then come back and cut off the paper.


Step 11: Stick the stencil exactly at the bottom of your pot.


Step 12: Take your sponge and grab a little bit of paint and tap it first at the center of the shape and gradually outwards.I recommend grabbing a little bit of paint each time to prevent the leaking.This way you will end up with a clearer shape.It’s better to add along the way instead of putting too much and ending up with a smudged shape.


Step 13: Remove the stencil carefully and… tada! Perfect shapes!


Step 14: Now all you need to do is to make the other bunch of triangles, leaving 6 cm from one pattern to another.It fits totally 3 patterns.


Step 15: Paint the top of the pot, using a plastic bag and painters tape to cover the bottom.


Step 16: Take your pot outside to a good ventilated area and spray paint it with the copper paint.Leave it to dry a couple of hours and remove the plastic bag and… you’re done!

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I really love how it turned out!I hope you liked it too.If you did, leave me a comment down below and tell me what you think.

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