DIY Macrame Feather Wall Hanging

Hey, fellow DIYers! Today I wanna show you how to make this beautiful macrame feather wall hanging!
Want to make a macrame feather wall hanging like this?
Watch my tutorial video below:
- a wooden stick or a wooden dowel
- cotton rope
- scissors
- comb
- ruler
Step 1
To start, cut a length of cotton rope and fold it in half and then attach it to the stick making a larks head knot. To be doing this all you have to do is to put the loop above and under the stick and then pull the strings through the loop and then pull them tight to secure it.
Step 2
Now, measure a piece of rope 8″ long and then cut another 39 pieces at the same length. You will end up with 40 pieces of rope to use for one feather.
Step 3
Now, the fun part begins! Take a piece of the 8″ long rope, fold it in half and place it underneath the longer piece of rope as I’m showing above. Then take another 8″ of rope, fold this in half too and put it under the loop of the first one, pass it through and above the longer piece of rope and then take the end tails of the first rope and pull them up and through the loop of the first piece and then take the ends of the ropes and pull them tight.
Go on and use all 40 pieces and attach 20 ropes of rope to the longer one. I had a very relaxing time doing this! I put on my favorite music and enjoyed the process!
Step 4
When you’ll finish, make a knot to the longer piece of rope to secure it.
Step 5
Take a comb or a dog brush and brush out all the ropes. I have to confess, it was giving me a hard time but as they say “If something doesn’t work then change your approach”. So, I did. I used the endpoint of the comb to unravel the ropes one by one, but it was very time consuming so I had to change my approach again. This time I used two ropes to unravel each time. I found out that it was easier this way so I kept up with this process. Again, I have to be honest guys! It was time-consuming but the end result will pay you off! I promise! Maybe it won’t happen to you, but I want you to be aware of that.
Step 6
After you unravel all the ropes, comb them and then you’re going to need to take your scissors and cut out a feather shape.
Step 7
Now, as you can see I made another two and in order to create the feather shapes similar I overlapped the first shape on to the other one and then cut the edges.
Step 8
The final stage is to cut a long piece of rope, tie a double knot to the right side of the stick and then to the left side. This is where you will hang it from. Cut out the excess rope and there you have it! Your own DIY macrame feather wall hanging!
I hang it on my bedroom wall above our TV and it’s the first thing I see every time I open up my eyes in the morning and it cheers me on! If you think of that it is unbelievable how something so simple turned to something so beautiful!
So, what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments section down below.